Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Exercise health benefit one: lower cholesterol

As most men get older, cholesterol numbers begin to move in the wrong direction. Levels of so-called bad cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), gradually increase. Levels of good cholesterol, called high-density lipoprotein (HDL), tend to fall. Unfortunately, that combination of high LDL and low HDL is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease. Excess cholesterol accumulates on the inner lining of blood vessels, leading to arthrosclerosis and heart attacks. The best way to keep LDL cholesterol levels down is to eat a diet low in saturated fat (the kind found in meat and high-fat dairy products). The single best way to boost good HDL cholesterol? Exercise. A 2007 Danish study of 835 men found that regular physical activity was consistently associated with higher levels of HDL cholesterol. A meta-analysis of 52 exercise training trials, including 4,700 subjects, found that HDL levels increased an average of over four %, enough to reduce heart disease risk significantly.

Moderate exercise even a lazy person can manage

A lot of middle-aged men know the dilemma. As family and work life become more demanding, exercise begins to drop lower on the list of priorities. Yes, you know it’s supposed to be important. But when the lawn needs to be mowed and the children want attention, it’s harder to justify lacing up your trainers. Eventually, it’s easy to think, “why bother?”
Why? For one very good reason. Staying active throughout your life is the single most powerful way to remain healthy and live long enough to enjoy your family and all the things you’ve worked for. “It’s hardly news now that exercise keeps your heart and lungs working efficiently”, says Steven Blair, professor of exercise epidemiology at the University of South Carolina, in the US.  “But we’ve also come to understand that exercise can help prevent adult onset diabetes, improve bone health, and even lower the risk of some cancers. Physical activity also appears to help ease depression for some people”.
Still not convinced you should make yourself get up off the sofa? Consider the following 10 health benefits you can get from even a moderate regular exercise routine.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Man Fitness Strategies To Guarantee Man Fitness & Body Building Success!

Man fitness results that are easy and quick to achieve. Fitness results like this come from a man health and fitness program that incorporates every single aspect of resistance training, cardiovascular training and supplements.
                  The man fitness ideologies and strategies you'll find here are exclusive to man health and fitness and combine an accurate approach to warming-up, stretching, and cooling-down, periodization, weight training, proper lifting speed, safety and much more.
                 Almost any resistance training (weight lifting) will improve man fitness, increase your strength and lean muscle, to a certain extent at least, but unfortunately just lifting weights, without a specific plan won't lead to the man fitness results you're looking for.
                    In addition, it certainly won't produce anything more than a very short-term man fitness result.
Outstanding man fitness comes from a plan, a complete fitness program that includes all aspects of resistance training and cardio workouts along with excellent nutrition and supplementation.
When you have a precise man fitness strategy it's feasible to believe that you're going to get first-rate results quickly and remain committed and motivated to stay in great shape, not just now but far into the future.